Monday, September 30, 2019

Georgia Price Kayleigh Dean CYP Core Essay

A number of factors must be considered when planning environments that are healthy and safe. Outdoor areas for children and young people need to be planned to allow vigorous play with minimum risk. When having an outdoor area in any setting it is important to supply the children with full waterproof clothing. This ensures the children stay warm and dry whatever the weather. This also helps keep them dry when playing with water and messy mud and sand. When planning an activity it is always vital to make sure the activity is set in the right environment; for example when using bikes, trikes and scooters. These should be ridden outside when there is not enough space to use the equipment indoors, which could be dangerous to yourself and other children. Every child is an individual with different needs depending on characteristics such as; age, intelligence, size, athleticism and abilities. You must consider this when planning activities for children, for example when they are involved in physical play. More consideration should be given to the needs of a child who has just become mobile than to an older child, when planning room layouts. Children who have specific needs such as sensory impairments would need more support with hearing or seeing instructions. Additional signage or sign language would help a child with limited hearing to understand what to do. The different needs of families and carers must be considered when planning for both indoor and outdoor activities. Always be clear about why you are using the type of environment for an activity and how the child will experience each activity. The duty of care of to children, parents and carers is a legal obligation that must be adhered to at all times. You should always have the child’s safety and welfare uppermost in your mind when planning activities. All activities associated with children and young people should have clear aims and objectives that are based around the required outcomes linked to their age. An example of this is Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for children under 5 years of age. â€Å"Lines of responsibility and accountability; everyone employed in a setting has a responsibility for the health and safety of  children and staff, but there should be clear reporting responsibilities† (Tassoni et al, 2010). Using Risk Assessments are an excellent way in reducing the risks of accidents. This is a process of identifying a risk and recording items that reduce this risk to an absolute minimum. A popular method of producing a Risk Assessment is to score the risk from 1-5, record actions that will reduce the risk, and then to re-score the risk after applying these actions. All Risk Assessments should be updated regularly so that the identified risk/s are monitored and remain safe for all those who use the setting. The age, development and capabilities of children should always be considered as each individual child is different and all develop at their own pace. A child who is two would not have progressed to the rate of a three or four year old. Therefore, it is important to plan activities wisely in order for children of all ages and capabilities to reach their highest capabilities. All settings must follow the welfare requirements set down in the EYFS, which are to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. To promote good health of the children and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection. Take appropriate action when they are ill and to manage behaviour effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs. These are legal requirements and must be followed carefully in all settings. Children with specific learning difficulties or physical disabilities should have activities they can take part in where they can learn and also enjoy. These children should always have full access to the building and all indoor and outdoor activities. This could include the use of mechanical/electronic lifts and ramps. Access to disabled toilets are vital when considering accessibility of the building. Staff training must include for the use of toilets by disabled people. Each setting should have a safe reliable security system to maintain childrens safety and welfare. The use of a password for each child could be  adopted. Only authorised adults should know the password and it should be changed on a regular basis. This is to ensure that no one but the parent or an authorized person can pick the child or young person up. Routine check of security should be made daily such as, entry phones, locks, visitor books, signing in or out and name badges should all be checked to control entry and exit at all times. Having a clean and safe environment is vital. Toys and all equipment should be checked regularly to ensure there are no sharp edges or they are broken. If a toy is broken this is disposed of if not fixable. Surfaces should be clean for the children and all dangerous substances, cleaning products are locked away (COSSH, 2002). Toilets should be checked to keep them clean and replace toilet roll or hand wash if needed, this will prevent the risk of infection. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be worn e.g. gloves and apron when preparing snacks, changing nappies and dealing with a bloody wound. This is also to prevent the risk of infection. Children should always be prompted to wash their hands after using the toilet, before eating or when they are just filthy which stops the spread of all the germs. All food and drink in the setting should be in date and stored at the correct temperature and also prepared hygienically. Allergy control must always be obeyed and in my setting we have a no nut policy, which helps prevent against serious allergic reaction. All staff will have their Disclosure Barring Services (DBS) checks and are responsible to update them when needed to. All children should have an individual child check to explore the progress of a child to ensure they have reached their milestones. This check also helps to get to know the child independently. Reporting all accidents and injuries (RIDDOR, 1995) to the accident book is always important so we can always notify the parent or career of the accident. When considering medication it is essential that the precise dosage amounts are written down by the parent and given to staff. This should also include for the correct storage of the medication giving consideration to temperature etc. etc. When a child is given medication it is essential to note down the time when given to the child to ensure against double doses are administered. First aid boxes should always  be on premises in case of accident or injury. Not all settings are built for the purpose of a childcare setting so planning should take into account the way in which the setting should function as a safe and healthy environment. As part of our duty of care, a child’s health and safety should be the overriding principle when planning activities. 1.2 Safety is a basic human need, a safe environment is one in which the child or adult has a low risk of becoming injured or ill. When working with children it is vital you know how to provide a healthy safe environment, but also to monitor and maintain the environment. When monitoring the environment it is vital we carry out Risk Assessments daily, this is a process in which we identify any risks and find ways to prevent that risk to a minimum. Policies and procedures are put into place to make clear what the setting intends to do and how they intend to keep their environment as safe as possible, for all children and staff members. There are times when, for safety reasons, everyone must follow directions and do as they are asked, to reduce the risk to themselves, peers and the practitioners. All members of staff including new staff, supply staff, students and volunteers must be made aware of the contents of the schools health and safety policies. This is to ensure every member of staff are aware of what rules to follow, which helps to maintain health and safety in the setting. One of the main reasons for maintaining a safe environment is accident prevention. All settings should monitor its health and safety, and the environment is regularly checked (both before and during activities) to ensure that it is both healthy and safe for adults and children. Children should be supervised at all times and that there is adequate adult supervision for any activities that are to be undertaken. The number of adults needed to be present, will depend on the number of children taking part, the age of those children involved, and the type of activity planned. This is so we can monitor the children and keep them as safe as possible. Checking the outdoor area, entering the building, checking that the equipment is safe to use, safety of children, safety in all areas of play (both indoor and external), kitchen/food preparation, toilets, fire drill  etc. etc. Using a process for monitoring, which includes following a routine that if it is working correctly then continue. However, if something is working incorrectly then change or adapt the routine as needed. When arriving at work before the children arrive, risk assessments are carried out both indoors and outdoors, checking the equipment is safe to use. Toilets also need to be regularly checked to ensure they are safe to use. The kitchen is regularly checked to ensure it is safe for staff to prepare food but also to check that all cooking facilities are switched off if not in use. A first aid box should always be kept so it is visible for all staff to see in the event of an emergency. First Aid boxes should also be checked to ensure the correct equipment is stocked up if required. Routine safety checks should be made daily on premises both indoors and outdoors. Every morning in the setting staff will carry out what is called a Risk Assessment of both areas to identify and risks with any any potential risks removed. A Risk Assessment is a useful tool in helping us to significantly reduce the likelihood of any accidents and injury when working with children or young people. A Risk Assessment can help to alert staff and children to potential dangers and suggests sensible measures which will reduce the potential risk of that danger causing harm or injury. Risk Assessments are a vital part of both maintaining and monitoring the Health and Safety in every setting. The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 (originally 1992)(in England , Wales and Scotland) have had a major impact on the ways in which we control health and safety standards. Employees must undertake a range of tasks including Risk Assessments, making arrangements for the planning, organization, control, monitoring and review of health and safety measures. Employees must always establish emergency procedures, providing the right health and safety information and all the correct training. Policies and procedures play a huge part in making people aware of the rules and the potential dangers of hazards. In my setting we have our policies  and procedures displayed on the walls so it is easily seen by parents and visitors, which allows them to recognize that we follow them correctly. Posters are a good way of getting children to understand the potential of risks and hazards. It is vital our children have some knowledge of what is safe and what is not safe, with large pictures helping to point them out. We are encouraged to work as safely as possible by following the settings policies and procedures. Working in a team and sharing information helps to ensure and maintain a safe environment for all to enjoy. 1.3 Workplace’s policies and procedures: Guidance is not law and is not compulsory; however there are many different sources of guidance that a setting can use in order to plan a healthy and safe environment. 1.3.1 Risk Assessments Risk Assessments are a legal requirement mainly under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, although most health and safety legislation requires a risk assessment approach. Risk Assessments must be recorded and should be assessed periodically in instances such as; following an accident, on the introduction of any new process/equipment and also any change in circumstances. Educational visits also require a written Risk Assessment. There is a folder of the most frequently used venues in the staff room, containing Risk Assessments. There is also a folder containing Risk Assessments for each group in the same place. All staff and group leaders must ensure that they have read these documents before embarking on a trip and must sign to acknowledge this each time they take pupils on a trip as part of the signing out procedure. Shown below are the names of the staff assisting with the assessment process as well as details on when they will be carried out and our updating systems. 1.3.2 Accidents Even in a safety conscious environment accidents may still occur. This is how we deal with them. All accidents to our staff or pupils will be recorded and investigated, as appropriate to find out what happened and how  any similar incident can be avoided. Under the First Aid at Work Regulations 1981, employers have to ensure that there are adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in the workplace. This should include arrangements for first aid based on a Risk Assessment of the school. 1.3.3 Health & Safety Executive (HSE) – Relates to all different types of work related issues and they cover all aspects of health and safety in different environments such as accidents, hazardous substances, ill health, Risk Assessments, protective equipment, welfare facilities, first aid and occupational health. The main aim through the guidance of the HSE, whatever environment or industry, is to help people understand the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to help people comply with the law. It should be noted that the HSE are also an organisation that provides help and guidance and can be contacted to answer questions of support. Every setting should have a copy of the latest legalisation and guidance documents relevant to their service. Health and safety legalisation and policy aims to make sure that all workers, children, young people and families are safe and protected from harm when in or using services. Some examples of these legislations relating to health and safety in the child care setting can be seen overleaf: 1.3.4 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Employers have duty to make your workplace as safe as possible, every setting should display a health and safety law poster or supply employees with a leaflet with the same information, which are available from the HSE. All employees need to decide how to manage health and safety; if the setting has more than five employees, this must appear on a written health and safety policy. Employees also have the duty to work safely and if you are given guidance about how to use equipment, you must follow that guidance. An example of a type of guidance is ‘Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992)’, which covers how to lift heavy objects in the correct manner. This guidance includes information such as lifting the weight with your feet apart, knees bent and back upright, use both hands to ensure a secure hold, keep your shoulders level, your back upright and slowly straighten your legs. To put down the load, take the weight on the legs by bending the  knees. We follow this every day in our setting before the children arrive. When we are setting up for the day, this involves carrying heavy objects from the shed and taking them inside, lifting heavy tables and moving them. As practitioners it is important to follow this to reduce risk to yourself. 1.3.5 C0SSH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations) 2002 To have a safe workplace you will need to carefully use and store cleaning materials like bleach and disinfectant and other potentially hazardous substances. Items such as bleach, anti-bacteria wipes, some solvent glues and other materials in the setting that can be toxic. You should have Risk Assessments that informs you about these dangers and what to do to minimise the risk involved. Any new member of staff should be made aware of what to do in every circumstance. Every work place should have a COSSH file which lists all the hazardous substances used in the setting. The file should detail such information: where they are kept; how they are labelled; their effects; the maximum amount of time it’s safe to be exposed to them; and how to deal with an emergency involving one of them. Never mix any products together as they could produce toxic fumes. Some bleaches and cleaning products, for instance have this effect. In our setting all our cleaning products are kept in the kitchen (where children are not allowed) in a high cupboard that only staff members can reach.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Philippine Literature Essay

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources. The wordliterature literally means â€Å"things made from letters† and the pars pro toto term â€Å"letters† is sometimes used to signify â€Å"literature,† as in the figures of speech†arts and letters† and â€Å"man of letters. † Literature is commonly classified as having two major forms—fiction and non-fiction—and two major techniques—poetry and prose. Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), as well as on original imagination, such as polemical works as well asautobiography, and reflective essays as well as belles-lettres. Literature can be classified according to historical periods, genres, and political influences. The concept of genre, which earlier was limited, has broadened over the centuries. A genre consists of artistic works which fall within a certain central theme, and examples of genre include romance, mystery, crime, fantasy, erotica, and adventure, among others. Important historical periods in English literature includeOld English, Middle English, the Renaissance, the 17th Century Shakespearean and Elizabethan times, the 18th Century Restoration, 19th Century Victorian, and 20th Century Modernism. Important political movements that have influenced literature include feminism, post-colonialism, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, post-modernism, romanticism, and Marxism. Literature’s three main divisions When most people speak of literature they may be talking about short stories, novels, poems, verse, odes, plays, tragedies, even limericks. This wide variety of terms describing types of literature, at first, appears overwhelming. However figuring all of this out is simplified when you take into account that the menagerie of types begins with three major paradigms: prose, poetry, and drama. Prose Prose is derived from a Latin root word, prosa, that means â€Å"straightforward† (other scholars argue that the root for â€Å"prose† is proversa oratio, which means † straightforward discourse. † Prose is generally defined as direct, common language presented in a straightforward manner. A victim of identity by negation, prose is frequently defined as â€Å"that which is not poetry. † Prose demonstrates purposeful grammatic design in that it is constructed strategically by the author to create specific meaning. Prose also contains plot and the attendant narrative structures of plot. In most cultures, prose narrative tends to appear after a culture has developed verse. Prosegenres are many and varied, ranging from science fiction to romance. The major generic divisions of prose are: * novel – A lengthy fictional prose narrative. * novella – A fictional prose narrative ranging from 50 to 100 pages, most common in science fiction and detective fiction. * short story – a brief fictional prose narrative. * anecdote – A very brief account of some interesting, usually humorous, event. Poetry Poetry, from the Greek poetes which means â€Å"doer† or â€Å"creator,† is a catch-all term that is applied to any form of rhythmical or metrical composition. While poetry is considered to be a subset of verse (and also considered to be superior to verse) both are rhythmical/metrical. What distinguishes poetry from verse is its â€Å"imaginative quality, intricate structure, serious or lofty subject matter, or noble purpose. † Most culture’s first serious literary works are poetry (In Western tradition, we need look only as far as Homer and Hesiod). The purposes of poetry are said to include: 1. A didactic purpose, meaning that it aims to instruct the reader. 2. Unique insight that is not available in other genres. 3. To provide pleasure to the reader. 4. To uplift the reader to some higher insight or meaning. Drama Drama, is simply a work that is written to be performed on stage by actors. From the Greekdran, meaning â€Å"to do,† drama is thought to have developed from ancient religious ceremonies. For instance, Greek comedy is traced to ancient fertility rites. Tragedy (which comes from the Greek word for â€Å"goat song†) can be traced back to sacrificial rituals. The term play has come to mean drama written exclusively for performance, while the â€Å"loftier† term drama, is commonly reserved for works that are considered to be more.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Battle of Issus Essay Example for Free

Battle of Issus Essay The Battle of Issus Sometime around 310 BCE an artist by the name of Philoxenus of Eretria created a mosaic (creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored material) of the Battle of Issus that has long been considered one of the greatest artworks of antiquity. Found at the House of the Faun in Pompeii in 1831 the mosaic is composed of about one and a half million tiny individual colored tiles called tesserae. The artwork illustrates the battle in which invading troops led by Alexander of Macedonia defeated the army led by King Darius III of Persia. When looking at the piece the viewer cannot help but be impressed by the psychological intensity of the drama taking place. On the Persian side of the piece the viewer’s eye is immediately drawn to the prominent figure of Darius shown in his chariot. A look of pure desperation, and perhaps even fear, is etched in Darius’ face as victory slips through his hands. As his steely eyed charioteer turns to rein his horses for a fast retreat to safety Darius stretches out his hand toward Alexander either in disbelief that Alexander has beaten him, or perhaps in grief over the death of one of his â€Å"immortals†. Around him are his Persian soldiers who mill in confusion in the background, their faces filled with fear and determination. On the same side, there are two other figures that are quite notable and demonstrate the artist’s technical mastery. The first is the artist’s depiction of the rearing horse right below Darius which is seen in a three-quarter rear view. The rider, his terror evident upon his face, glances back at the battle as he attempts to control his horse. This kind of depiction is very impressive and is much more accomplished then other similar attempts such as the shading in the Pella mosaic or the Vergina mural (Kleiner 142). The second, perhaps even more impressive, is the artist’s portrayal of the Persian in the foreground who has fallen onto the ground and raises a small shield in a pathetic attempt to prevent being trampled. The man’s terrified face is reflected on the polished surface of the shield moments before the chariot crushes him under its ornate wheels. On the Macedonian side of things the viewer’s eye is of course drawn to Alexander. This portrait of Alexander is one of his most famous. His breastplate depicts Medusa the Gorgon. He leads the charge into battle on his horse Bucephalus, without even a helmet to protect him, and maintains an aura of unshaken confidence in direct contrast to Darius. As Alexander surges forward in a supreme effort he drives his spear straight through one of Darius’s trusted â€Å"immortals† who puts himself between him and the King of Persia. As the impaled Persian collapses to the ground, Alexander fixes his gaze upon Darius in utter hatred. Although the deteriorated condition of the mosaic makes it difficult to distinguish much on the Macedonian side a cavalryman wearing a Boeotian helmet with a golden wreath can been seen behind Alexander. Looking at the mosaic as a whole there are a few important details that grab ones attention. First is the fact that the landscape is very minimal, only one gnarled tree trunk appearing in the background and a few discarded weapons and rocks in the foreground. Secondly, everywhere in the scene men, animals, and weapons cast shadows on the ground. This unusual attention to detail is what enhances the intensity of the piece and gives it an aspect of realism that truly shows the horror and confusion of battle. The viewer cannot help but be drawn into the conflict and become a part of the drama as it unfolds. To me this mosaic is not only a truly great piece of art but also has furthered my understanding of Roman artwork, Macedonian warfare and the emotion in Hellenistic-styled mosaics. It is easy to understand how Roman author and natural philosopher Pliny the Elder concluded that Philoxenus’ depiction of the Battle of Issus was â€Å"inferior to none† (Kleiner 142). Battle of Issus. (2018, Oct 25).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Afghanistan in the Cold War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Afghanistan in the Cold War - Research Paper Example After the withdrawal of the soviet in the year 1989, a fierce civil war broke out among the local rival factions which ultimately lead to the emergence of the Taliban who seemingly ruled until the year2001 only to be stopped by the United States led invasion of Afghanistan. The Afghanistan war veterans have been reported to have played a big role in restructuring the soviet society. This they did through political activism though not directly related to party politics. However, it should be noted that not all Afghans contributed to this occurrence. However it was the potency of the actions of those who participated that registered their contribution. In the veterans mindset there was a great short of ideas on exactly what political and societal transformations needed to be implemented. This in return led to a wide spread societal activism that is said the Afghans contributed to. The Soviet Union began getting involved in Afghanistan in the month of December in ninenetten seventy nine . They regarded it a small scale invasion that would take only a couple of months to be accomplish. Contrary to this, the war lasted for quite a long span that saw the killing of several thousands and wounding of the soviet soldiers. As the year 1980 began, the government media of the Soviet Union issued a statement that that it was the Afghanistan government who had requested the soviet army to assist them in combat unrelated activities and humanitarian aid. Soon to follow the press statement were more soviet soldiers that were maimed as war casualties. Most theorists front the idea the main cause of cold war in the Afghanistan was as a result of ideological differences between factions. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have been said to have actively participated in this war in order to advance their supremacy and influence. The soviet having realized that they were no longer able to control the entire of Europe embarked on exerting its influence on other regions. How t he United States got into the war was rather complex after being a neutral state in world affairs for so many years. The Soviet Union on the other hand was exploiting the decolonization process to its advantage aiming to exert more influence to the newly liberated countries. The United States had as soft spot for the developing countries that were just struggling to attain self rule from colonialists. Some scholars suggest that Afghans were rebellious to the United States for what they say was their increasingly dominate nature which made every state uncomfortable. In addition, leaders of several revolutions that had been weary of oppressive nature of capitalist during colonization found themselves naturally aligned to the communist ideas. This to a great deal have put the United States in a compromising situation since it was regarded with a lot of suspicion among several states. However, self interest’s theorists have countered this assertion. They have argued that the Unit ed States was not driven by any ideology and that is why they did not support any revolution that took place earlier in Afghanistan. That if the United States was genuine enough as it claims in its role in Afghanistan, it would have supported earlier forms of revolutions and not only in later years to counter the Soviet Union. They assert that the United States failure to support these revolutions and take a back bench when they were needed most drives home the fact that they wanted to either maintain or gain economic and political allies. This school of thought has also questioned some of the strategies used by the United States

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Branding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Branding - Assignment Example Along with this, the OFT rules also enhanced the purchasing rate of real estate apartments to a considerable extent as compared to others. This helped the organization of Foxtons to expand its growth rate and equity significantly.Economic- economic downtown acted negatively over the organizations operating in real estate segments. This reduced the buying behaviour of the individual of UK thereby declining the profit margin and market value of the organization operating in this segment. Along with this, the rate of unemployment increased and the range of per capita income and net income of the individual of UK also reduced thereby the power of purchase also reduced significantly. Moreover, changes in the prices of VAT and stamp duty prices also affected the market of real estate. All these above mentioned factors reduced the demand of the real estate organization such as Foxtons in the market of UK. Social- the growing interest of the citizens of UK to reside in communities also acted negatively over the organization of Foxtons. Along with this, as most of the citizens of the UK comprised of their own properties, the craze to purchase new apartments reduced to a certain extent. And as the number of aged populations increased, the rate to purchase new apartments decreased. All these factors reduced the total sale of the apartments of Foxtons in the market among others. Technological- non-implementation of innovative technologies such as SMS property alerts, email alerts are also responsible for its decline. Along with this, im

Photo Description of the waiting room in Chicago, Illinois by Jack Essay

Photo Description of the waiting room in Chicago, Illinois by Jack Delano - Essay Example However, from a closer look at the photo, it can be seen that the focus of the photo man was at the two gentle men standing at the foreground. The probable interest might be a case that appears to be of concern to the gentlemen as can be seen from their looks. The picture communicates a lot of information about the nature of activities and the people in the caption, however, among the messages in the picture, one is dominant. A case that is troubling the two gentle men and the others in the picture even though among the concerned parties, the two gentle men seem to be at the centre of it. This argument is supported by how the Cameraman focused majorly at these two gentlemen who by the nature of their dressing looks like police officers. They appear to be having a serious conversation that can be attributed to this suspected case. The specifics of the conversation is not so apparent, but it is likely not a social conversation as can be seen by their faces (Fleischhauer, et al. 361). A closer look at the photographer’s depiction at their faces reveals that both are not talking at the same time. The gentle man on the right hand side must be the one doing the talking. His posture is straight, and he is looking straight at the other officer at the left hand side. From this looks alone, one can guess their ranks.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mythology - Essay Example Why is this feature relevant to the modern hero? No one can actually give an answer to this question. Maybe, in such a way the contemporaries are sure that in the modern very challenging world it is necessary to have an option to free one's mind. The director of the film underlines that external appearance is not important for the modern hero. It is much more important a real heroism of a character. A physical power of Hancock can be lost in case he meets other superheroes. Achilles is an ancient Greek character. Nevertheless, this hero does not reveal features of a holistic mind or his open nature. Homer underlined his appearance: â€Å"he sat himself down away from the ships with a face as dark as night, and his silver bow rang death as he shot his arrow in the midst of them† (Iliad, Book I). Actually, in the ancient world appearance played a very important role. Let us remember about the ancient famous sculptures and monuments of ancient heroes and characters. Of course, Ac hilles worshipped gods and this was a positive feature of his nature. Achilles helps Greek people in their fight against enemies, but in reality he is not much focused on solving military problems. From another perspective, Achilles can seem to be a consequential warrior. Achilles can be a patriotic hero, but in this case he should know for what purpose he needs to be such a person. He is sure of the fact that patriotism is positive if a personal concern is taken into account. Achilles impresses the audience by his daring and brash features. He shows more passion and he does not want to be vulnerable. This is another vision about heroism and patriotism unlike the view of patriotism in the modern time. Achilles is too arrogant and superior, but Hancock is not. These are two different approaches to representation of heroism and patriotism in two different worlds: in the world of ancient times and the modern times. Achilles was not focused on the common good of the society, but Hancock was very much pleased with his ability to help people. He did not place his own personality on the foreground; he made an emphasis on the background, which is society's welfare. Works cited 1. Iliad by Homer. 15 Dec. 2012. 2. Odyssey by Homer. 15 Dec. 2012. Name Professor's Name Subject Date Question 7B The Oracle works in Greek myths Divination plays a very important role in Greek mythology. Oracle is one of the core images in Greek religion and mythology. In accordance with modern interpretation: "Oracles played an important role in the Greek religion and beliefs. The Greeks considered death as a necessary evil and therefore Immortality was not an enviable asset. They however required information on their future life on earth, for this they turned to the oracle" (Oracle). Ancient Greek people needed information about their future life on the Earth. Greek oracle was a priest or a priestess, who played a role of a mediator between people and God. The Oracle communicated with God an d in such a way he had an opportunity to get the required information. Apollo was a god of music and reason. He could see future too. In the ancient Greece people brought many gifts to Apollo and he told them about the secrets and events of their future. Apollo was looking for a woman, who can help him to find answers about people's future. Apollo intended to be one of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Journals - Essay Example † (Mitchell 1). The writer assesses the technique in which the webpage might destroy Harry potter by comparing it to Star Wars. The article has a comical and self-deprecating tone. This is because much of the article is written in a blithe, funny manner. The author makes fun of himself, for instance, when he says, â€Å"opening thousands of pistachio nuts can cause severe thumb-bruising, I can tell you from bitter experience of my life on the brink† (Mitchell 1). The author, Mitchell, has used a simile at the opening of the news story, â€Å"Harry Potter is like football, I’m talking about the literary, cinematic and merchandising phenomenon, not its focal fictional wizard, he isn’t like football† (Mitchell 1). He employs this allegory to include comicalness to the story. According to Mitchell, Potter’s fans are more desperate for more just like football fans that do not get enough of the games, commentary and analysis. The author has also emp loyed imagery, â€Å"every generation must lose its innocence, and must see the brightly painted nursery wall smashed away by the wrecking ball of betrayal to reveal a blighted landscape† (Mitchell 1). ... The article explains more about the achievements of the deceased. Therefore, the author, Migdail-Smith, frames the purpose of the article as the loss of a business icon. The title or the topic of the news article is straight to the point and a reader can predict the contents of the article without reading it. However, the topic of the article is not particularly captivating. Connotations of the linguistic signs presented in a news article are imperative to the significance of the news item to the person who reads. The meanings of the news item are observed within a framework recognizable by the reader. The headlines of an article should purpose to attract the reader. This article is purely objective and does not express the writer’s opinions on the subject matter. Additionally, the writer uses short sentences and simple words making it easier for the reader to understand. For instance, the writer uses, â€Å"the elder Carlino, who died Friday at age 92, lived in Montgomery Co unty† and â€Å"Penn National, routinely named among the fastest-growing companies nationally, continues to operate from Wyomissing† (Migdail-Smith 1). The article has a somber tone, which is established at the beginning of the article when the author notes, â€Å"The man who laid the foundation for what is now Penn National Gaming Inc. has died†. Anyone reading this article is expected to show grief and express sympathy to the family for their loss Journal 3 Article â€Å"Sick internet 'troll' who posted vile messages and videos taunting the death of Teenagers is jailed for 18 WEEKS† In this article explains how a man was sentenced to 18 years in prison for posting spiteful and horrible comments in Facebook about teenagers who had committed

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Survey of Human Resource Management ip 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Survey of Human Resource Management ip 2 - Essay Example However, the American Disability Act requires human resource manager and the recruitment team to set qualifications in such a manner that it does not discriminate people with disability. Finally, after designing a job description, the procedure for applying the job and the mode for sending the application should be stated in the job description. In addition, an instruction file should be attached in order to help the job applicants while apply for a job (Grant, 1989). The following steps should be followed during employee’s recruitment process in order to ensure that equal opportunities are provided to all potential employees and people with disability. The first step involves determining the job to be performed and sourcing the right candidate for that job. Sourcing of candidates may be done via, advertisement, social media, social network or use of employees referral. The second step involves developing recruitment incentive programs. Such as executive support benefits, program perks among other recruitment packages. The third step entails developing a job description. Under this step it is very vital to take into consideration people with disability whereby, the requirements of the job described should comply with American Disability Act such that, people with disability are not discriminated in any way whatsoever. The third step may involve narrowing down the job applicant search. This helps to invite only the qualified candidates for an interview and further save the company from incurring extra recruitment cost by eliminating the unqualified candidates from attending the interview. The forth step involve pre-screening. Under this step the human resource manager evaluates whether the knowledge and skills that a job applicant has in line with organisation culture. The fifth step involve checking references, under this step the human resource manager verify the qualification

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kobe Bryant and Lebron James Essay Example for Free

Kobe Bryant and Lebron James Essay Introduction In today’s world whenever somebody talks about the most favourite players then Kobe Bryant and Lebron James come on the top of the list just because of their remarkable performances and their young age achievements. They both have started their sports career from the school age and then they excelled in their respective sports of basketball. They both play for American National Basketball Association (NBA). Kobe Bryant plays as a shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers and Lebron James plays for the Miami Heat. Lebron James also referred as a King James just because of his moves and his utmost versatility in basketball. Who is better Leader? It is really difficult to entitle one of them as a better player than other because both players have their separate recognition in the world of basketball. They both play as the backbone for their teams. Well if we look in the last season of sports then we will definitely find some remarkable knocks from the Lebron James. Lebron strived a lot in last season and struggled a lot with his teammates to turn the really hard matches into easy victories. Although, Kobe has great understanding with his teammates and his manager but sometimes due to the short temperedness he losses control on his tempo and takes some wrong moves that eventually count very negative impact on scoreboards. Trudell, (2012) defines â€Å"on the contrary Lebron has great quality to work with his teammates and lead them from the front†. This leading quality differentiates Lebron from Kobe to a greater extent and it also contributes towards his match wining performances as well. Key Differences between them They both are simply perfect in their teams. It is really hard to find any difference between these two worlds recognised players. There are following differences between them: Style of playing Both players have marvellous style in on screen and off screen. If we try to elaborate their style in the court then we will definitely come up with the opinion that Lebron always prefers to play in very defensive mode while maintaining the decorum of the game. On the contrary Kobe tries to be bit aggressive during the match and if he finds any injury in opponent player then he will turn that injury as a great weakness of the opponent team. Trudell (2012) cleared that â€Å"Lebron has more humanitarian attitude towards game†. Team Individual performance When we talk about the Lebron then we observe that he takes his team member along in entire match but when it comes about the Kobe then he always prefer to have individualistic approach to prove his abilities and skills and try to prove himself as a single shining moon on a sky (Armstrong, 2007). Past Performance They both are highly sincere with their profession and in the court they are perfect players. If we consider the rating of both players then we will clearly find that Kobe stands higher then the Lebron, his rating is 4.0/5 on the world ranking chart on the other hand the Lebron rating is 3.7/5. These ratings clearly differentiate their style of playing and their performance in past couple of years. William (2010) once said, â€Å"Although, it is fact that Kobe started his career in 1996 that is far earlier than the Lebron, so his efforts and his performances are better then Lebron in all aspects. They both meet their audiences’ expectations all the time by performing their best†. Who is better Player? On the basis of individual approach and stamina we can say that Kobe has better understanding towards game and he can all alone give very tough time to the opponents. Only on this basis we cannot degrade the Lebron because it is a fact that Lebron is playing really well nowadays and he has proved that he can make his team motivated enough to turn all the hard and tough situations in to their favour (Armstrong, 2007). Lebron never appeared in any kind of team distracting drama due to his friendly and kind behaviour on the contrary Kobe has been caught several times in these kinds of issues that have created very negative impact on his gaming personality. Audience Support for both players When we talk about the audience support then obviously time always matter. Since Kobe is older player than Lebron that is why his fan following is comparatively greater than the Lebron. If we look to the vote board then we will find that audience always prefer to vote the Kobe just because of his better style of playing and shooting against the opponent team. This kind of Kobe’s style always supports him to win the match. William (2010) defined, â€Å"he is not only a player for his team he is actually a robot that can judge the opponent’s strategies in a start of a match and then he devises his strategies to break all schemes of the opponent players†. Conclusion It is fact that winning matches is the best statistics of all and it is the only option we are left with to gauge a player performance by analysing his match wining scores and performance. If we look into the performance of both players who contributed towards a match wining performances then we will obviously vote to the Kobe for his unbeatable performance. Kobe has appeared in 4 NBA championships with 3 wining performances and he is still looking forward to more championships with high spirits of wining and turning down the opponents. On the contrary in case of Lebron it is not possible to participate in championship yet just because of his strong opponent player and that is obviously Kobe. But it is again a matter of fact that Lebron has long way to go because he is comparatively newer than Kobe and he has more passion. In the end we can say that Kobe is an unbeatable king of this basketball planet and no body can surpass him just because of his aggressive attitude towards playing and making his opponent helpless in the game. He never believes in any kind of humanitarian behaviour during game when he is out there to play then only one thing he keeps in his mind and that is victory and in order to turn that thinking into reality he utilises his full potential and eventually he comes out with flying colour. Statistical Analysis References Trudell, Mike (2012). Kobe Surpasses 29,000 Points. (Turner Sports Interactive, Inc), Retrieved March 10, 2012. Armstrong, Kevin (2007). End of an era: Vaccaro closes ABCD camp as he eyes hoops academy. Sports Illustrated. Retrieved September 2, 2010 William Rhoden (2010). Cleveland’s Venom Validates James’s Exit, The New York Times, Archived from the original on November 9, 2010, Retrieved November 9, 2010 Adande, J. A (2010). Gilberts letter signals wider backlash. ESPN, Retrieved July 13, 2010

Friday, September 20, 2019

Difference Between Mash And Star Topology Computer Science Essay

Difference Between Mash And Star Topology Computer Science Essay In this part of the assignment, the difference between Mash and Star Topology will be examined. Additionally, the Network topology in general will be discussed in detailed with other network topology. Network topology is one of the most significant topics to learn before start building up computer network. Network topology is the physical arrangement of nodes, A node is any network device, such as a computer, work station, or switching unit. Basically a topology describes how a network is linked , it is the structure of the network. In networking topologies are very important because they have significant role on flexibility and reliability. Firstly, Mash topology is to be examined. According to Ratliff (2000) Mash topology is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦The most basic type of topology to understand is the mesh topology. In a pure mesh network, each node has a physical connection to all other nodes.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. while Star topology is †¦consists of a central hub with spokes extending out from it and terminating in nodes .. Mesh is a type of network topology which †¦can use an alternative†¦route to deliver data If any of the cables fail. In that point mesh network topology is one of the most reasonable network topology. However when number of nodes increases, mesh topology becomes unwieldy and expensive. Another negative aspect is requires too many cable works. Because mesh topology requires more cable than other topologies. The equation of Mesh network is Ln=[Nn(Nn-1)] in this equation Ln stands for number of links required and Nn stands for number of nodes in the network. On the other hand Star topology as it has mentioned above every node linked to the central device called, hub or switch. Also star topologies are usually used for LAN networking and it is one of the most popular topology today. Altough The star is one of the older topologies. Star topologies are very easy to install and wire. In addition detecting fault removing faulty parts is easier in star topology. Another good advantage of using star topology is if any node fails or is removed it doesnt affect network so Network never fails Unless central device or hub fails. To compare star and mesh topology there one major difference which is about coverage of the network mesh topologies commonly used for WAN (Wide area networks) on the other hand Star is commonly used for LAN (Local are networks).Another difference is to setup star network you need a central hub or switch to link nodes together. But to setup mesh topology you dont need central device because In mesh topology computers or nodes connected directly to each other on many alternative routes. Mesh topology network failure tolarence is less than star topology because even if more than one cable fails system still can run. However in star topology is the same unless central device fails network can still run smoothly. Furthermore, there are three more network topologies which are Ring network topology, Bus network topology and Tree network topology. Firstly Ring Network topology is to be examined. In ring topology nodes linked to each other and data are sent around the circle from node to node. In recent years ring network topology was popular in LAN networking and two popular networking technologies which are ARCNET and TOKEN used ring topology. According to Ratliff (2000) In ring topology Message transmission can use one of two techniques. In the first, the transmitting node gains access to the ring and sends data to the receiving node; the receiving removes the message from the ring. In second technique, the sender transmits the message, and the receiver makes a copy of the message rather than removing it from the ring. The message then returns to the transmitter and serves as an acknowledgement that it was received. Ring network topology is very easy to extend. All you need to do is break the ring and plug in node. As you can see easy to make changes, makes ring topology very flexible. In Ring network you dont need network server to manage connectivity between the nodes because nodes connected each other with wires. Also performance is better than a star network if network is under heavy network load because data passes in only one direction. However there are significant negative aspects. The major problem is If one node fails, all network system might fail. Another negative aspect of ring networks is that if a node is added, the network must stop working temporarily. Because when a node is added firstly you need to cut the connection and add the node. Bus network topology is one of the oldest topologies in networking history. Bus topology requires one single cable which can be inches long or miles long that links all nodes on a network. According to Lowe (2005) In a bus topology, every node on the network can see every packet thats sent on the cable. Each node looks at each packet to determine whether the packet is intended for it. If so, the node claims the packet .If not, the node ignores the packet. This way, each computer can respond to data sent to it and ignore data sent to other computers on the network. Bus network topology performance is depends on the number of the nodes, less node means more performance. The reason for that all computers use/share same cable for data transfer on the network. Also bus topologys data transfer rate is slower than other network topologies. However beside those disadvantages there are also several advantages of bus network topology. Bus topologies are very easy to install and extend. In addition Bus topologies are cheapest network topology if you compare with other topologies. And its very easy to identity wire faults. To sum up network topologies are base of the network design. It is possible to built better network topology if you have good knowledge of these network topologies which has mentioned above. Also you need to have the knowledge of each network devices to use them properly for your network needs. Not good configured network can cause problems such as waste of time and energy. So basically understanding network topologies and devices is key of building good network. Part B In this part of assignment software and hardware for business systems for accounting business activities will be examined with cost/benefit and importance to the success of the business in report form. INTRODUCTION Today computers have become very popular in every kind of sector. In business area there are many different and specific software for every need like the company or market sector. To run your own business you must have a good software for your needs, which is one of the most significant tools to achieve goals in your business. There is a big danger todays business world For instance if you do not have right tools which usually includes business software, it means your business will go down and down. When you started your own business the most important software that you must have are accounting software. These software are for the financial analysis, warehouse, software for budgeting, production and management. Accounting software have very big role to play for the success of the business because these programs plan and record all the movements. In addition you have chance to organize and manage whole activities. As long as you choose most suitable one for your business. THE ACTUAL DICUSSION/CONTENT/BODY SOFTWARE Firstly I would like to answer one of the most common question which is Why accounting software? The answer is simple If you open a small business in todays variable economic situation your business adventure might become exciting and complicated also expensive working. On the face of it, it seems very simple just ensure you are selling your goods for more than it costs to produce them. But it does not work like that because without proper bookkeeping, your business likely to collapse. That is why accounting software is a key for any small business to achieve big goals in the business sector. It must have a role to play in every financial decision A to Z such as purchasing equipments, stocking inventory, supplies to increasing production and determining salaries. If you do not have any background in accounting like most of people, you do not have to worry because todays accounting software have more information than you need. They give you the tools and info which helps to keep your financial records in check. Another one of the most asked question is what you should observe before you buy accounting software? Today there are many accounting software and it is very hard to know which software is the best fit for your business finances. We can divide Below I will explain them one by one. Firstly in accounting software ease of use is very important. Software should be easy to install, set up, and understand. The best accounting software navigates the user to what to do step by step so user do not have to think or guess next step. Second important thing is Accounting modules; Accounting modules are very important to successfully maintain your business finances like Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. The important thing is the software which you choose contains all the common accounting modules, you need. And the software which you choose should be able to grow with your company and customize your system for your business needs. Another important criteria is Reporting catagories

Thursday, September 19, 2019

computer Fields :: essays research papers

Duaane B. Carrington Jr.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. Cattell Rough Draft  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11/7/01 Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my term paper the field I chose was computers. I chose this field because I love computers and it s a field on the rise. When doing my research about computers, I tried to stay focused on a few different types of fields. I did this because I thought that doing every different type of field would not help me chose the right field for me. Computers is such a big field that it was almost no problem picking a couple of computer fields to talk about in my term paper. Preparation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When doing some research I found out some ways to prepare yourself for the field of computers. First you should have good study habits and take a lot of notes during class. It would help you if you had a laptop so you can do some of your work in your dormitory instead of using the computer lab on the school campus (Cobb, interview). If you know nothing about the field that you are doing, then you should narrow down your classes, and take a side class that will help you prepare for your field. Since there are so many mathematic problems dealing with computers you should be well rounded with math in high school (Cobb, interview). If you are not good with math, then you should try to do anything possible to try and improve your math capabilities. Opportunities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many opportunities with the field of computers. A lot of jobs are offered to college students during their time in college. Some jobs offer the student so much money that they could live off of that if they were to leave college at that moment in time ( ex.35,000). Some job offers in different fields of computers are vast, but some are very hard make it in. You should pick a field that nobody really knows about make sure it has good pay. General   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I found out that having someone who majored or knows something in the field of computers that you are in, you will need them if you have to ask them a question about something in your field that you can’t answer. There is a high demand for computer experts in certain fields, because a big or small corporation might need someone in that area to help them become successful (Cobb, interview). There is a lot of programming in computers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Duchess of Malfi Essay examples -- Duchess of Malfi Webster Papers

The principal characters and their roles We follow after bubbles, blown in th'air. Pleasure of life, what is't? Only the good hours of an ague The Jacobean age was one of questioning and uncertainty about many issues, such as religion, politics and law. At the same time it was rediscovering the potency of Classical texts of Rome and Greece, and reinterpreting tragic form to suit its own ends. The Duchess of Malfi is a revenge tragedy, but Webster has used the form for much more than just its entertainment value; he has used it as a vehicle for the exploration of some themes relevant to the society of his time. Webster based his plot on a true story set in Italy, and kept the Italian setting because like Shakespeare and other playwrights of his day, he had to use politically-acceptable foreign settings in which to explore ideas such as those presented in The Duchess of Malfi, (which were really commentaries on the England of their own era), to do with inequality, injustice, and corruption, without causing outrage in response to his work. Antonio and The Duchess The fact that Antonio can never have an equal relationship with the Duchess has prompted some readers to feel that his importance as a character in the play is limited, while others suggest that his main role is as a mouthpiece for Webster's own judgements and opinions. To assess the importance of his role we need to consider it relation to the Duchess, and in the context of the play as a whole. Inequalities of power associated with gender and social status are highlighted in the relationship between The Duchess and Antonio, and the reactions of others towards their relationship. In Antonio's self-deprecating dying speech, Antonio: We follow afte... ... been pointed out that The Duchess of Malfi is a flawed play. For example Ferdinand reveals to Bosola a possible motive for wanting his sister to be murdered: Ferdinand: To have gain'd an infinite mass of treasure by her death. [Act 5, Scene ii] But this sounds unconvincing, as Malfi is little more than a poor fishing village. Moments such as these in the play have led it to be criticised for its plot, and it has other flaws. For example is it plausible that the Duchess could marry Antonio and have children in secret? Webster tends to neglect the importance of The Duchess' sons, and in Act 5 we see Delio apparently with a false heir. But in spite of these flaws The Duchess of Malfi has lasted and remained popular, not just for its potent entertainment value and Webster's masterful use of language, but also for the insights it gives us into Jacobean society.

Capital Punishment and Societys Views Essay -- Death Penalty Capital

Capital Punishment and Society's Views â€Å"The question with which we must deal with is not whether a substantial proportion of American citizens would today, if polled, opine that capital punishment is barbarously cruel, but whether they would find it to be so in light of all information presently available.† -U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall According to the American Society of Criminology, each year there are about 250 people added to death row and 35 executed in the United States. The death penalty is the harshest form of punishment enforced in the United Sates today. Once a jury has been convicted of a criminal offense, they go to the second part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge agrees, then the criminal will face some form of execution; lethal injection is the most common form used today. Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as there are people. In H.L. Mencken’s â€Å"The Penalty of Death†, and Anna Quindlan’s â€Å"Execution†, both sides attempt to persuade the reader to the their viewpoint of capital punishment. However, after reading the two essays, I found Anna Quindlan’s â€Å"Execution† had a stronger argument according to the guidelines in Joseph Trimmer’s â€Å"Writing With A Purpose.† Anna Quindlan had a more classic argument whereas H. L. Mencken’s argument resembled persuasion. Although both authors support the idea of the death penalty, Quindlan is mo...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Effect of Violence in Movies to the Society

The last few years have seen an increase in violence in movies. Action movies seem to get more ‘exciting' than the previous movies each year and therefore, more violence is shown. Many people complain that violence is influencing our country and it's youths which causes many youths to fascinate about violence, eventually experience the fascination of violence for themselves and go crazy – go on a killing spree or something similar. Violence in movies do in some way affect youths and people in society. It affects people's views of themselves, other people, the world and people's thoughts on certain things. Beliefs or values and attitudes may be affected by violence in movies. For example, if a certain person is a racist and believes white people are superior to black people, they may watch a movie which displays racial discrimination, such as ‘American History X', and after viewing violent action against blacks, the person may decide to take action and go out and kill black people. This is an example of someone's beliefs/values and attitudes being affected by violence in movies. It is believed that whatever is seen at the movies, children will praise certain shows and characters featured and try to be like them. They look up to their hero and want to do everything that person does. In an action packed movie, the hero or the ‘good guy' is loved by children and they may try to copy their actions, thus leading to violence. So it is believed that violence in movies will increase physical aggressiveness among children and violent criminal behavior. One method by which violent movies may promote criminal violence is simple imitation. Two surveys of young American male violent felons found that 22-34% had imitated crime techniques they watched on an action packed movie. On the questionnaire I conducted, 60% of the people who participated in the questionnaire said they have an urge to go fight, kill, save people, etc, after watching a movie full of violence and action. This is only an urge, but may still result in the action of violence taking place. Children do imitate the behavior of models such as those portrayed in movies and other things such as television. They do so because the ideas that are shown to them on television are more attractive to the viewer than those the viewer can think up him/herself. This can be seen with the advent of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Young children cannot seem to get enough of these fictional characters and will portray them often. But it is Not only can violence in movies inspire children to take action, but can also inspire and empower potential criminals. Of course, not everyone who watches a Rambo or Terminator movie becomes a criminal. The harm of violent television is felt most by the already vulnerable segments of the population. Alfred Blumstein, dean of John Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie-Mellon, notes that â€Å"the glorification of violence on television has little effect on most folks, but it has a powerful effect on kids who are poorly socialized †¦. It dehumanizes them and becomes a self-fulfilling process. † Repeated exposure to violence in movies may make violence seem ordinary or normal to these type of people. Perhaps all sides of the movies and violence debate can agree that reducing movie violence should be considered as efforts to change the conditions that make the children so vulnerable and dangerous in the first place. Maybe ratings of movies should be taken more seriously and be more strict so that children cannot view violence which would pollute their minds with violence and criminal behavior. In the questionnaire, the majority said that the movie ‘The Matrix' entertained them. This is an action film, and when asked whether they have an urge to go fight, kill, save people, etc, after watching an action film contained with violence, 40% replied no. This may show that some people like to watch movies with violence – no matter how it is rated – purely for entertainment and that it would not effect their attitudes towards violence in a negative way. These days, violence in movies are seen to be very realistic. The fighting, the pain, the blood and guts are made to look real. These are all done through the use of computers and digital editing. So the violence in movies may seem real, but in fact it is all fake and have just been performed by the click of a mouse. The question is, why do filmmakers show violence as their main subject in movies and why do they want the violence to seem real? There are many reasons to this. One could be to impress audience, another could be the demand for more action films, or another could be that action movies seem to be more popular nowadays. But the main reason would be to make the movie full of excitement which would most probably make the movie become huge and popular, which would then result in a lot of money for the filmmaker. This is not right and portrays filmmakers as selfish people only looking for money, as they do not stop to think that the violence could pollute children's minds. Filmmakers could say this could be prevented by making the ratings high, but that certainly does not stop children from watching the movie. They may be taken in to watch it with someone older for supervision, or simply view it on video once it is released. Fixing the problems of children and movie violence is not easy. There are many factors that have to be considered and people to be convinced. This problem will, no doubt, never go away and continue to get worse as the years go by. However, there are measures that can be taken to prevent the children from ever being exposed to such things. After all, what is the world going to be like when the people who are now children are running the world?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Storm Born Chapter Twenty-Seven

Traveling in spirit is a lot different than traveling in the body. The body gives you more strength – and more risk – but the spirit can see things beyond normal physical senses. As I rose up and up from the Otherworld, I saw it in all its beauty and power. People and objects were ringed in light, some brighter than others – like Dorian, who shone like a small sun. All around him and the others, the Alder Land glittered with its own aura, an aura that called out to me in a funny way. Leaving it felt strange, like part of me was being abandoned back there. As for me, my soul grew wings as I crossed into the Underworld. I was dark, nearly black, and wore a graceful, avian shape. I was the Dark Swan, my totem, the shape my spirit naturally traversed the worlds in. I hadn't had to use this shape in some time. I'd first developed the ability to move my spirit into the Otherworld wearing a shape nearly identical to my physical presence; I'd later learned to go over entirely in my own body. But this was not the Otherworld, and I needed the protection of my swan shape. The land of death did not like to give back its souls, and the closer I got, the more risk I faced. I could only pray Kiyo hadn't fully entered it yet. Feeling him was easy. My physical body was still close to his, and he and I had enough of a mental and spiritual bond that I could track him. But, as it turned out, he was far ahead of me. Too far. He had crossed the black gate. If I wanted to follow, I would have to enter the land of death in earnest. My return was doubtful. And yet†¦I couldn't just let him go. Not yet. Not when he'd died because of me. Not when he'd still followed, despite my rejection of him. Not after what we'd shared together. Onward I flew, my wings sweeping over currents of power. I saw no gate per se, but I felt when I crossed it. The connection to my physical body trembled, and I knew I had just endangered it. Too much time here, and it would sever altogether. With that knowledge came another sensation as I crossed over, one so sharp and sudden that I might as well have been slapped in the face. It felt like a belly flop into a freezing pool – remarkable considering the soul did not feel physical sensations. Well, at least that was what I'd been taught. I'd never known any shaman who crossed over and survived to tell about it. Once I actually entered the world, I was suddenly awash in tactile feelings. Warmth swirled around, mixed with those streaks of icy cold. For just an instant, I saw a world so beautiful, it made me ache inside. Color and light and wonder. Glimpsing it, I felt my connection to something much greater than myself, something I had never understood in the worlds of the living. I was drowning in it, in that burning bliss that made the euphoria of magic seem trivial. And just for a second, I nearly grasped all the meaning to life and death. Then, in a blink, it was all gone, and I was plunged into darkness. I silently cried out, longing for the return of that beauty. Where had it gone? Why wouldn't it come back? A voice answered me, vaguely female. It spoke in my mind, reverberating through me and my being. This world becomes what you bring to it. What do you bring? The blackness shifted and became solid. I saw no light source, yet I could just barely make out the area in front of me. Ground appeared, cold and dead. Black rocks jutted out at odd angles, sharp and ugly. A chill wrapped me up. My field of vision was limited in that weird illumination. Everything beyond it was unfathomable darkness. In front of me, I made out a deeper blackness, surrounded by a faint gray outline. A doorway or a tunnel. Was this what I was? Had I shaped my surroundings into cold darkness? The voice spoke again: This world is what you make it. Inside the tunnel, I could feel Kiyo. With no more thought, I took flight again, moving forward. The darkness swallowed me once more. Then I emerged into an empty clearing. It looked like I was in a cave, surrounded by that same cold stone. An indeterminable source illuminated the room with stark light. There was no way out. I felt Kiyo ahead still but saw no way to get to him. Behind me, the path I'd come from was gone. And then I wasn't alone anymore. Shapes materialized around me. I recognized almost every one of them. The keres. The fachan. Finn. Some of the yeshin. An assortment of spirits. Countless other monsters. Countless gentry. Every being I had ever banished to this world. They filled almost every inch of space in the enclosure, crowding around me. Their faces were horrible. Twisted reflections of what I used to know. They opened their mouths, screaming their terror and pain, reliving when I had killed or banished them. The group closed in, hands reaching out. They clawed at me, trying to gouge me and scrape away my skin. Skin? The feathers were gone. I stood in my human form, quite ordinary-looking in casual clothes. The hands and faces closed in tighter, and I screamed as the mob tore me apart. Agony shot through every part of me, a terrible and consuming pain. I sank to the floor, trying to ward them off. What will you give us? they seemed to ask as one. What will you give us to let you pass? â€Å"What do you want?† You sent us here without thought. You ripped our essence out of one world and into another. Do you know what that is like? To have your essence torn asunder? â€Å"Show me,† I whispered. They did. It started inside of me. Like a small spark, noticeable only by a faint twinge. Like getting shocked with static electricity. Then it grew, spreading out like a mass of wriggling worms, eating me from the inside out. Only it was more than physical. It was like†¦a spiritual cancer. I could feel everything about me disintegrating. First, all the superficial things. My love of pajamas and Def Leppard. This was followed by the removal of things that identified me, that made me unique: my physical abilities, my shamanic powers, even my newfound magic. Next, my emotional connections were stripped away, making me forget everyone I knew or loved. My parents, Kiyo, Dorian, Tim, Lara†¦they all vanished, their memories blown to the wind. Finally, my base essence disappeared. Me as a physical and mental being. Eugenie Gwen Markham. A woman. Half human, half shining one. It was all gone, and I was nothing. I wanted to scream but had no means of doing so. And then, I was back. I sat huddled in a ball, alone in the cavern. Unfolding myself, I saw that I was whole. My self-knowledge had returned. Still shaking, I looked up and saw that a doorway had appeared. It was a way out, a way toward Kiyo. I walked into the next tunnel, again entering the darkness. When I emerged, I found myself in a cavern exactly like the other. Only this time, I wasn't alone. A man stood on the far side, his back to me as he studied the wall. Sensing my presence, he turned around. He had reddish hair, streaked with silver and just barely touching his shoulders. The features of his face were striking, a square jaw and sharp angles. Handsome in a harsh sort of way. He wore clothes like the gentry, most of him covered by a sweeping cloak as rich as anything Dorian might own. Rich purple velvet. Jewels worked into the edges. A crown sat on his head, made of a gleaming metal too bright to be silver. Platinum, I thought. It was a masterpiece of metalworking, all scalloping and flowing edges, like a circle of entwined clouds. The edges of it met in a small point at the top of his forehead, like a faux widow's peak. Diamonds and amethysts set among the lacy curves glittered in the weird lighting. But it was his eyes that really seized me. They would not hold one color. They shifted, like clouds on a windy day. Azure blue. Silvery gray. Rich violet. â€Å"Hello, Father,† I said. The eyes held at a steady, deep blue as he looked me over. â€Å"You are not what I expected.† â€Å"Sorry.† â€Å"No matter. You will do. In the end, you're only a vessel anyway. Your magic will grow, and those around you will eventually see that what needs to be done is accomplished, once your child is born.† I shook my head. â€Å"I'm not going to have your heir.† â€Å"Then you will not pass. You will die here.† I didn't say anything. Anger hardened his already fierce features, and whatever attractiveness I'd noted before vanished. I remembered my mother's reaction, her pure and unwavering hatred for him. His eyes flickered again, turning from blue to a gray so dark it almost looked black. â€Å"You are a stupid, foolish girl who has no idea what you're doing. The fate of the worlds hinges upon you, and you are too ignorant and too weak to do anything about it. No matter. You are not the only one who can carry on the dream.† â€Å"What, you mean Jasmine?† He nodded. â€Å"She lacks your power and war instincts, but again, she is only a vessel. More important, she is willing. Aeson made sure of that. He visited her years before finally taking her. She knows her duty. She will see it through.† A cold, heavy lump settled in my stomach. I had gone out of my way to avoid pregnancy, but Jasmine would not. She would be seeking it, purposely trying to have Storm King's heir. All my smug contraceptive practices would mean nothing. Storm King read my thoughts. â€Å"Maybe if you were the one, you could control the situation. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad if you were the heir's mother. If your sister is the one, there will be no reprieve.† â€Å"Don't fuck with me just to get your way. It won't work.† The eyes darkened further. â€Å"Whatever you want, then. It makes no difference if you die here and stay with me.† I stared at the far, blank wall, willing the stone to open. Beyond it I could feel Kiyo slipping away from me. My heart – if I had one in this form – beat more rapidly. I closed my eyes. â€Å"What do you want me to do?† Hands reached around from behind me, closing around my waist. â€Å"Submit just once,† Aeson said in my ear. â€Å"Submit just once to me, and you can pass on.† His hands pulled me against him, and I tried to squelch my rising nausea. Some reasonable part of me said it didn't matter. None of this mattered. I wasn't here in body. I couldn't get pregnant. This wasn't actually happening. Yet†¦it seemed so real. And for all intents and purposes, it was. His hands upon me. His breath against my neck. It felt exactly as it would in physical form, as I knew it was intended to. I opened my eyes and saw my father watching me. Beyond him, Kiyo moved farther away. â€Å"All right,† I said, barely recognizing my own voice. Aeson turned me around and kissed me, harsh and bruising, uncaring that my lips stayed inert and did not kiss him back. He pulled me down, putting my back against the sharp planes of the stone. The last thing I saw before all went to blackness was Storm King looking down at me, face cold and uncaring. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the mental and physical hurt. When I let myself see again, I sat on the ground, palms down against the hard surface. Just like before, I felt no more pain, and I could tell my clothes were whole once more. Another illusion†¦one my body had no memory of but which would stay etched in my mind for some time, I suspected. Standing up, I moved forward, on toward Kiyo. Someone else was waiting for me in the next chamber, a man I'd never seen before. He was slim and small, dressed in scarlet velvet bordering on outlandish. He held a small cloth-wrapped bundle in his hands and paced around nervously. When he caught sight of me, his face brightened with relief. â€Å"There you are, your majesty!† he exclaimed. â€Å"I've been waiting.† â€Å"Waiting for what?† He proffered the bundle before me. â€Å"To give you your crown. You have to put it on.† I eyed the bundle nervously and then looked at the smooth, blank wall between Kiyo and me. â€Å"Is that what I need to do to get through? Put on the crown?† He nodded, shifting from foot to foot. â€Å"Hurry. We're running out of time.† I knew what the crown was for. I knew what Dorian had done outside of Aeson's fortress. Somehow, some way, I had gained the Alder Land. I had become its queen. I sure as hell didn't want it, though. If I made it away from here alive, I'd definitely rectify the problem. But if wearing the crown here was what it took to pacify this next sadistic torment, then I would do it. It was a whole lot easier than everything else I'd been through. â€Å"Fine. Give it to me.† He handed me the bundle. I unwrapped and nearly dropped it when I saw what lay inside. Aeson had worn a gold circlet. Dorian's crown, which he rarely wore, was similarly simple. It resembled a ring of leaves, beaten out in different metals: silver, gold, and copper. Presumably Maiwenn and the rest of the Otherworldly monarchs wore similar items. But this†¦this was not a simple circlet. It was heavy and platinum, an intricate swirl of metal set with diamonds and amethysts. Storm King's crown. Only it was smaller. A bit more delicate. Designed for a woman. â€Å"What is this?† I exclaimed. The man gave me a puzzled look. â€Å"Your crown.† â€Å"This isn't the Alder Land's crown. This is my father's crown.† â€Å"What else would you wear, your majesty?† I tried handing it back to him, but he stepped away from it. â€Å"I don't want it. I won't wear it.† â€Å"You have to. It's the only way.† He looked at me pleadingly, almost like he wanted me to move on to the next stage of this game as much as I did. I didn't need his entreaty. I wanted to move on too. Badly. Badly enough to finally lift the crown up with shaking fingers and rest it on my head. Instantly, I no longer stood in the chamber. I was on a high, cragged peak, overlooking vast sweeping plains. The sky was dark and heavy with clouds, and lightning danced among them. Below, on the plains, armies stretched as far as the eye could see. Armies of gentry and spirits and the myriad creatures living in the Otherworld. The crown felt heavy on my head yet did a poor job of holding down my hair as the wind whipped it around. A gown of indigo velvet embraced my body, and a black and silver fur cloak draped my shoulders. In my left hand, I held my wand, and in the crook of my other arm, I held a baby. It was wrapped up in white blankets, its eyes closed. A fine haze of hair, its color indistinct, swept over its head. I had no idea who its father was – I didn't even know if it was a boy or girl – but some instinctual part of me knew it was mine. Tentatively, I reached out with my fingers and touched that fine hair. It felt like down, like the softest, finest silk imaginable. The baby stirred slightly at the touch, snuggling against me, and something inside of me stirred as well. I jumped as a hand encircled my waist, and a warm body moved next to mine. Dorian. A sword hung at his side, and a new crown sat on his head, more elaborate than his former circle of leaves. It was made of thick gold, heavy with jewels and dazzling to behold. But it wasn't as big as mine. â€Å"They're waiting for your order,† he said. I followed his gaze out to the fields of people and saw that they were all on their knees before me, heads touching the earth. Above them, thunder rumbled as the storm swirled restlessly. â€Å"I don't know what to do,† I told him. â€Å"What you have to do.† As though moving of its own accord, the hand holding my wand rose into the air. The armies rose with it, like I was a puppeteer pulling marionettes to life. A great roar sounded among them, swords banging on shields and magic flaring in salute. One downward motion, and I knew they would march. One motion from me, and I would unleash hell itself. The roar intensified. Dorian's body shifted closer. The baby stirred again. My hand felt heavy and started to fall†¦. I stood alone in the stone chamber. No man. No crown. The doorway had appeared, and I lunged for it. The darkness engulfed me, and I swear the tunnel had grown more narrow than before. Still I moved onward. I could feel Kiyo growing closer and closer. I ran, needing to find him, needing to reach out to him, needing to – And there he was. He lay on a small dais in this new chamber, wearing his human shape. He was on his back, whole and perfect, his hands clasped on his chest like a sleeping fairytale princess. I moved toward him, and a woman moved in front of me. I didn't know how I hadn't seen her before. She had just appeared. I looked at her and squinted, trying to focus, but had trouble. Her appearance kept shifting. One instant she was golden and lovely, honey-blond hair pouring to her ankles. The next she was pale as death, black hair sweeping behind her like a funeral shroud, yet still beautiful in a frightening sort of way. Persephone herself blocked my path, and I knew there was no way I could go through her. â€Å"Let me have him. Please. I've passed all the tests, just like you wanted.† What I wanted? It was the same voice I'd heard before, only now amusement tinged its edges. None of that mattered to me. They were not my tests. This world is what you bring to it. Most of the dead bring guilt or regret. You brought your fears. I peered beyond her to Kiyo, my soul screaming out to his. â€Å"What do you want? What do I need to do to take him?† What makes you think I'll give him to you? He's mine. I received him fairly. The dead do not leave my realm. I racked my brain, turning over every story or myth I'd ever heard. â€Å"What about Orpheus? You let him take Eurydice.† But in the end, she did not leave. He was not strong enough. She stayed. â€Å"You don't need him, especially since I've sent you so many other souls.† Was it truly for me? Or your own ends? â€Å"Does it matter?† Perhaps not. But now I have two more, and I do not have to give them up. â€Å"Then do it as a favor,† I begged. A favor? Her amusement grew. Why would I do that? â€Å"Because I've served you faithfully. And because we're the same. I'm trapped in two worlds too, and I don't think I can get out of that. I'm torn in two forever now.† I touched the butterfly tattoo on my arm, half black and half white. Just like Persephone, who spent half her existence as a goddess of springtime and half as a ruler of death. Just like me, half human and half gentry. Half lover, half killer. In Swan Lake, Odile is the dark swan and Odette is the light swan, yet both are played by the same dancer. She only stared, and I desperately tried to think of something. â€Å"You said this world is what we bring. I brought love too. Doesn't that count for anything?† She considered. That depends. Will you give up your love? Sacrifice it to me? Promise you will stay away from him forever, that you will forsake your love. I stared at Kiyo's inert form, thinking how it would be to never see him again. Something inside of me died at that thought, but I didn't hesitate. â€Å"All right. I agree.† Persephone stared at me a moment, then Kiyo vanished. It is done. â€Å"You sent his soul back? He'll live?† If his body is healed soon, then yes, he'll live. She continued staring at me, and I realized I'd made no such guarantees for my own return. In fact, I could no longer feel that glittering connection to my own body. You are trapped here, she affirmed. â€Å"I know. It's okay. It's worth it.† And I meant it. Kiyo's life meant more than my own. Her blue-to-black-to-blue eyes held me. Then, as improbable as it seemed, she sighed. Go back. Go back to your dual existence. I will see you again someday, and then you will stay. Her fingers touched my forehead, and a searing pain ran through me. My form disappeared in a flurry of feathers and black wings, and I felt myself being pulled out of this world. Just before I left completely, she spoke again. Her voice was tired and maybe just a little sad. Keep your love. I have no use for it anymore. An instant later, I woke up in my physical body, gasping and choking for air as I returned to life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Crash Essy

Julius M Dix Professor Gail Lighthipe Writing 106 Section 1 12 November 2013 Crash Essay Crash is the perfect analogy of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. Physical characteristics and racial differences may be interpreted as two distinguishing traits that separate us. I think it's what keeps us apart. That leaves several abstract questions that the film Crash illustrates. What are the origins of personal prejudice? Do individuals experience stereotypes? Can people battle internal struggles within their own ethnic group?What prohibits us from vercoming these prejudices? The writers of the Crash managed to extend my viewing experience beyond the 90 minute film, thus forcing me to analyze my own prejudices and racial stereotypes towards others. I always thought that racism occurred as a result of a person's upbringing. If your parents were racist, there is a good chance that you will be a racist too. At first glance, Matt Dillon's character exhibits characteristics typical of this theory. Dillon exhibited a close bond with his father and later, we discover the roots of his racism.I naively assumed that Dillon as absorbing external cues from his father regarding his attitudes towards black people. It turns out that his father was not racist towards black people. It was Dillon who, in combination with his father's negative experiences and his own as a member of the LAPD, formed his own perceptions towards blacks. Another example of this occurred at the beginning of the film when the Persian family was attempting to purchase a gun. The clerk at the gun shop made a few blatantly racist comments about the perceptions of the customers. There were several references to the twin owers and planes.It didn't matter that the two were Persian, not Arab. A recurring theme was that post 9/1 1, all Middle Eastern people became potential terrorists. It is amazing that people have the ability to interpret bad events and cast their own prejudices on different ethnic groups to mask their feeling of anger and frustration. Perhaps stereotypes have maintained their prevalence because there are so many people that perpetuate them. It is often believed that all young black men are destined to be thugs, criminals and drug dealers. Additionally it is a common statistic hat the majority of incarcerated males are African American.As a young black man, it is difficult to break free of that stereotype. â€Å"Things will never change. † That attitude along with the perpetuation of existing stereotypes may be largely responsible for negative racial longevity. Ludacris' character was one of the most interesting to me. Here was this articulate young black man that spent his life stealing cars from white people. â€Å"Rap music is the music of the oppressor,† he said. It is often easier to blame others for your shortcomings than it is to confront them head on. On the reverse, rouble facing stereotypes can occur anywhere.They a re not simply restricted to skin-tone and neighborhoods. Racial discrimination transpires through social class as well. This creates division within the same racial groups. In the film, Cameron was portrayed as a wealthy, black, television actor. He achieved success as a nard working black man, but at what cost? Films like Crash are forcing us to look outside our own lives and fears, to realize that we're more alike than we think. Aside from the 2% genetic differences between us, we all have problems and internal struggles. That's what makes us human.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Media Education Of Debates Education Essay

Media instruction is the procedure of instruction and larning about media, the chief purposes are to develop a critical apprehension and an active engagement. Media instruction has for many old ages been in hunt of a infinite within the course of study, I hope in this assignment to look at how media instruction and media literacy have now found a topographic point within the course of study and have been translated by media instructors into pedagogical pattern. Children and grownups spend a big sum of their clip interacting with media of different types, from electronic mail, Internet, movies, newspapers and nomadic phones. These signifiers of media act as gateways to information, this information can frequently be filled with mass media messages, from advertizements to stereotypes. These messages are subconsciously taken in they have a monolithic impact on single consciousness and determinations ; they affect society as a whole. Media literacy helps to supply pupils with the tools that are necessary to enable them to read and entree information and to inquire inquiries. Media instruction can non entirely consist of production, pupils will non automatically get the critical cognition needed the media needs to be taught and challenged, the practical work does non by itself does non make an independent apprehension for the media. Media literacy should non be defined as a certain set of accomplishments or cognition, it should be looked at as the cardinal constructs of production, linguistic communication, representation and audience. â€Å" It is of import for media pedagogues to ever place unfavorable judgment at the head of our pattern, when incorporating production into the acquisition environment. †[ 1 ] Burn and Durran ( 2007 ) argue that media literacy has societal maps, and they prefer to see it as cardinal to the ‘3-Cs'model of media literacy. They province that audience can be studied in footings of their societal utilizations of the media even though as opposite numbers of manufacturers they have been traditionally seen as consumers of media texts. Social uses of the media average engagement and battle. They besides see the battle with the media as portion of wider cultural composites of gustatory sensation, involvement, pleasance, cognition and expertness which contribute to selfhood. Ofcom uses the undermentioned definition of media literacy ; ‘the ability to entree, understand and create communications in a assortment of contexts ‘[ 2 ]. The above quotation mark has parallels with Burn and Durran ( 2007 ) 3 C ‘s theoretical account. Henry Jenkins looks at the definitions of media literacy and looks at how it must non let pupils to disregard the accomplishments and cognition they already have to derive new cognition, that they must spread out their cognition. Culture in media instruction, the civilization is the values and ideals that are set by the pupils. â€Å" At least in the UK, research suggests that kids are now much more likely to be confined to their places, and much less independently mobile, than they were twenty old ages ago ; and while parents now spend much less clip with their kids, they are trying to counterbalance for this by giving increasing economic resources to child-rearing †[ 3 ] Buckingham ‘s point of position on media literacy is one of that it does non give the right replies but it allows the right inquiries to be asked. Throughout this assignment I am traveling to utilize my work with KS4 pupils making life as portion of the Gold Standard intercession programme. The pupils I work with have the ability to take advantage of an out of school experience. The pupils are welcomed into an educational environment but treated like grownups ; they become responsible for big sums of their ain acquisition. We do non anticipate pupils to walk through the door and go immediately engaged with what we are making, but we endeavour to set them in a place where they want to go occupied. Media instruction offers a new attack that looks at what pupils already know, non merely presuming that it is invalid. â€Å" develop a more automatic manner of instruction and acquisition, in which pupils can reflect on their ain activity both as ‘readers ‘ and as ‘writers ‘ of media texts †[ 4 ] The manner that Buckingham looks at how pupils have the ability to go ‘readers ‘ and ‘writers ‘ of media texts follows many analogues to my ain work with pupils. We get them to make an life and so discourse it, to understand why they have made the picks that they have. Burn and Durran look at how media instruction can be continued through the patterned advance of secondary school and how it can be taught across the course of study. Media instruction is non entirely a topic by itself ; media instruction can be used in many different capable countries. For case utilizing movie doing installations to make an reading of a Shakespeare drama, pupils would non merely be larning Shakespeare but besides larning by making.Hull City Learning CentresFacilitiesThe installations that are on offer at Hull City Learning Centres are as follows, at our East Centre, we have a intent built installation which houses, five instruction suites, each of these suites serves a different intent, each room has been specially designed to run into the demands of the pupils that require them. I am non traveling to travel into excessively much item about the suites as I am traveling to concentrate on the usage of merely one of the suites, but we have a grownup instruction room, a primary room ( which is geared up to KS2 pupils ) , and two KS4 suites, we so have a intent built media suite, which is the room that is used the most. This room has 26 iMac computing machines that double boot Windows and Mac OSX. Green screen shooting installation, HD cameras with illuming rig and sound equipment, it besides has an synergistic white board. The package we have on offer is the ‘free ‘ package bundled with the iMacs including iMovie and the iLife suite, we besides use a piece of life package called I Can Inspire or Pro Animate, I Can Animate is besides available on the Windows side of the machines.FunctionsHull City Learning Centres offer a broad scope of maps ; the chief one being KS4 intercession, working with schools to assist them accomplish the ‘Gold Standard ‘ which is accomplishing 5 A*-C classs at GCSE including Maths and English. The intercession courses that we run are ICT, Maths and English functional accomplishments, OCR subjects, multimedia, picture and life unit. However the chief intercession we offer is NCFE Animation which is the equivalent to 2 GCSE class Bs. We besides offer big instruction categories and KS2 intercession. We have two Centres across Hull, one Centre chiefly deals with the bringing of the Diplomas and the other focal points on intercession. The bringing of the Diplomas has become a large portion of what the CLC ‘s bash now, we deliver certain faculties on IT sheepskin and supply support and installations for the Creative and Media sheepskin. We besides have a conference room which can be used for picture conferencing and meetings, we are the host for a bulk of Local Authority enterprises and we besides support YHGFL ( Yorkshire and Humber Grid for Learning ) . Adult instruction categories are besides on offer a scope from the advanced CISCO networking to the most basic text processing degree 1. We work with the complete novice to the proficient experts, we offer class for grownups to accommodate their demands. We encourage household acquisition, and work with societal services and surrogate carers.ClientelesHull CLC is unfastened to all, we have on offer computing machines for people from the local community to come and utilize, we offer drawn-out installations for the host schools, we encourage schools to utilize as an out of the schoolroom experience. We deal on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing with people from all societal backgrounds, from primary school kids to our ‘silver surfboarders ‘ .AnimationI would wish to utilize my work with pupils in life as a instance survey in which to research a signifier of media instruction. The types of pupils that I work with tend to be pupils that do n't accomplish good in the normal schoolroom, nevertheless through the procedure of doing and making these pupils normally excel, they find that they can finish work to a high criterion and accomplish GCSE classs by making something that is fun. We find that media literacy has been a powerful tool for us to utilize, it has been noted that pupils that would usually be detached from reading and composing in school become engaged with it, this may be because there is a intent to what they are reading and composing.How we do itWe run the NCFE Animation class on a tight deadline, we have compressed 150 guided acquisition hours into 36 hours. This has been done to enable us to assist as many schools as possible, with every bit small break to the pupils ‘ clip tabular array. It besides helps us to guarantee that pupils attend, a just sum of our pupils have attending issues in school. The pupils that I work with semen to me with a image in their caputs, they are told by school that they are coming to derive an ICT making, when in fact this is n't the instance, pupils come and they complete an life making. To most of the pupils that I work with ICT agencies, databases and spreadsheets. â€Å" Yet, if media instruction is to assist bridge the widening spread between the school and the universe of kids ‘s out-of-school experience, it must certainly get down with the cognition kids already possess †[ 5 ] Buckingham discusses how pupils already have knowledge, through the procedure of this class we use pupils already bing cognition, we show them that they really know a just sum about life and they did n't gain. Once the pupils are introduced to life they instantly have a preconceived thought of what it is. They instantly think of The Simpsons and Family Guy but so few of them see computing machine games as life, they do n't see how life surrounds them. During treatments with the pupils about life, we open their eyes to merely how much it surrounds us, from advertizements to instruction. We get pupils to discourse their different sentiments and thoughts ; we get them to believe about how different groups of pupils may construe a certain piece of life We get pupils to look at lifes that are British, American, European and Asian. We get pupils to discourse how other civilizations use life for amusement and the differences between them. Media analysis is an of import portion of the class it enables us to assist pupils develop critical thought accomplishments, by working on their observations and readings. Students begin to look at how lifes challenge stereotypes and concealed motivations. Students begin to understand some of the ‘hidden messages ‘ in lifes. We do concentrate a batch of clip analyzing alive advertizements looking at who they are aimed at and how different types of life entreaty to different demographics. Before pupils begin believing about what they are traveling to inspire we present them to a assortment of lifes, we show them illustrations of professional work and what other pupils have produced, we get the pupils involved in group treatments about good and bad characteristics of the lifes, we get them to look non merely at the techniques used in the lifes, but we get them to look and believe about how music and sound have been used, we look at the usage of particular effects in station production.What the pupils learnWe spend more clip acquiring the pupils to understand life than bogging them down with complex life and redacting package, we opt for iMovie that comes bundled with the iMacs as our redacting package and Pro Animate as out life package, the package is simple and intuitive, it allows pupils to concentrate on the existent life and non acquire worried about the package. This is frequently a concern of our pupils, they frequently lack in assurance and a nervous about non merely utilizing an unfamiliar operating system ( most of our pupils are merely Windows literate ) but utilizing new package, so we demonstrate the package right at the beginning and show pupils that the package is nice and simple to utilize. We have now started to offer this intercession class to pupils that have particular educational demands and larning jobs, we do n't offer it as a speedy hole for GCSE classs, we offer them it as an experience as something that they can walk off holding made, we focus less on the theory facets of the class and dressed ore on the practical, acquiring pupils to seek different stuffs and techniques. These pupils have frequently been segregated at school and do n't frequently hold the same chances as the chief watercourse pupils. Even though few of these pupils had the ability to read or compose they made and life and instead than compose about what they have done a why, we record them. They are prompted with the same inquiries that other pupils have to compose about, it is clear from the responses that we get from the pupils that they have understood a huge sum of what has been discussed with them. They are able to explicate different signifiers of life and occupations that are available in the life industry. The rules of life are demonstrated through acquiring pupils to make a flipbooks, this introduces them to how life works, how much work goes into it. It is besides utilizing something that the bulk of pupils are familiar ; this enables pupils to larn through making. The custodies on manner of making it assist them to retrieve the procedure, instead than standing and stating pupils how to make it. Students are able to pull on their ain experiences and go engaged in the schoolroom. Surveies have shown that pupils whom are actively engaged in a subject can more actively associate it to the existent universe. ( Hobbs, 2006 ) .Bing originativeWe try and acquire our pupils to be every bit originative as possible when it comes to the practical component, we try and acquire them to look outside the box and off from the norm. This is sometimes difficult as these pupils have a preconceived thought of what ICT is and this is what they have been told they are analyzing, they do n't see how creativeness comes into it. â€Å" The word ‘creativity ‘ is used with many different significances in different contexts†¦ ..In peculiar, it carries a instead different significance in art instruction and media instruction, and in many ways life undertakings cross the boundary between these districts. †[ 6 ] We have to look at the discourses which make up the cultural contexts of these lifes this is outlined by Burn and Durran 2007. When a pupil comes up with a rubric for their life, the thoughts that spring to my head as a instructor and the thoughts that they have are really different, this comes from our difference in cognition. Students frequently look at making an alive piece for portion of a vocal, they print wordss off and make props to fit, and one case that springs to mind is a pupil that was making an life for a vocal that included wordss about returning with no weaponries, this pupil took the actual significance a drew an armless character, when in fact the context was weaponries as in arms and guns. Recently we decided to give the pupils a subject for their lifes the subject was ‘technology ‘ we mentioned iPods, phones, and MP3 participants, when the pupils returned the undermentioned twenty-four hours to get down inspiring the fluctuation of props collected from place for an life about engineering varied significantly from pupil to pupil, some brought in their nomadic phone boxes whilst other brought in patterning clay. I gave the full group the forenoon to work out how they were traveling to utilize their props to make an life advertisement engineering or a piece of engineering. I was nevertheless slightly concerned about how modelling clay could be used, but I allowed the pupil to continue. Once the group began inspiring in the afternoon it became clear the pupil with the modeling clay had great thoughts, she had made an iPod out of patterning clay, created some earphones. This pupil did n't experience the demand to utilize the existent artifact to inspire she fel t it would be better if she created it from abrasion ; she wanted to make her ain original piece of life.Researching and affinity infinitesWhilst pupils are on the life class they are expected to research a assortment of elements to make with the life industry, what is interesting is how reliant pupils are on the cyberspace, pupils take the information presented to them at face value, it is merely when you enter into treatments with pupils about how dependable the information they are is. Many pupils are cognizant that Wikipedia can be altered by anyone with an history but really few realise that this can intend the information is wrong and untrue. Henry Jenkins looks at this farther, he looks at how pupils need to ability to research, take notes, read books, understand and merge secondary beginnings. â€Å" to hold on what kinds of information are being conveyed by assorted systems of representation ; to separate between fact and fiction, fact and sentiment †[ 7 ] An affinity infinite is a topographic point practical or physical that ties people together, based around a shared involvement. I ‘m traveling to utilize Wikipedia as an illustration of an affinity infinite, and the manner that it is used for instruction. Wikipedia enables registered users to upload and redact information about a peculiar subject. Wikipedia like many other affinity infinites allows namelessness therefore it bridges a barrier that is frequently produced by age, sex, instruction, and race to call a few. Although Wikipedia could be filled with inaccurate information, which was a point I made earlier, within in affinity infinites there is normally unwritten regulations that you should merely do remark on things you know about, you should do certain that any quotation marks are accurately referenced. Wikipedia has created like many other affinity infinites an out of school topographic point to larn, it appears to be someplace that pupils feel comfy with. Affinity spaces let informal acquisition to take topographic point harmonizing to James Gee 2004, the usage of affinity infinites does nevertheless necessitate a pupil to be slightly self motivated. Affinity infinites are going far more huge for pupils they now have entree to a wealth of information on the Internet, they besides have the ability to inquire inquiries and articulation forums based around a topic that they are interested in. For case pupils I have worked with have created Facebook groups that they can all pass on about a joint undertaking, the ‘wall ‘ allows pupils post their thoughts and for them to acquire feedback. From my personal point of position and my engagement with the bringing of ICT/IT in an informal instruction scene, I have noted how classs have now slightly changed. The debut of the Diplomas has been a method of making this, what would hold been conventionally taught by ICT instructors in schools, pupils now have a mix of staff, staff like myself that originate from industry, I lead the multimedia unit of the IT sheepskin and give pupils an penetration into how a existent web design undertaking would work. We have staff that runs their ain concerns, we drag our technicians in and acquire them to assist us when it comes to the bringing of networking, we show the pupils the waiter room, they get to see it existent life non merely in images. Burn and Durran 2007 discuss how ICT has changed and now non merely allows pupils to make spreadsheets and databases, but now allows them to make artifacts that were one time merely created by extremely skilled experts. Affinity infinites are portion of informal instruction and tantrum in good with the manner of instruction and larning on offer at the CLC. Informal instruction has the ability to be advanced whereas formal instruction does n't be given to be. Affinity infinites are taking to a more originative manner of instruction and acquisition.Participatory civilizationHarmonizing to the five points of definition outlined by Jenkins 2006, is where cognition can be cascaded down from those that are experts down to those that are novitiates. â€Å" And yet kids — peculiarly younger children-are progressively take parting in cultural and societal universes that are unaccessible, even inexplicable to their parents. †[ 8 ] Childs are far stand outing their parents in their cognition of computing machines, as a instructor of ICT I have become quite cognizant of how of import maintaining my accomplishments up has become, many pupils arrive with a surprisingly huge cognition of many package applications and to enable me to trouble-shoot these package applications I have to cognize how they work, nevertheless, this is n't ever possible. Technology is traveling so rapidly that as staff we frequently become bogged down with what we have to cognize instead than looking at what we should cognize. â€Å" Participatory civilization shifts the focal point of literacy from single look to community engagement. †[ 9 ] The above quotation mark by Jenkins suggests how media operates in specific contexts that lead to the how and why they are being used. A computing machine does non bring forth an result without a user, intending engagement is necessary, the sum of engagement does depend on the user. Some users will merely touch the surface of what the computing machine can make and other will delve right down into the nucleus, some will even come on to go experts. Most immature people are active participants of computing machines through the undermentioned outlined by Jenkins 2006 ; Affiliations, many immature people are members of formal and informal online communities based around a specific subject. For case many immature people will be utilizing facebook, Myspace and bet oning forums. These societal sites allow users with the same involvement to pass on at the same degree, it allows experts to go through on cognition and novitiates to derive cognition. These types of associations are now going more evident in the schoolroom, with pupils making ‘groups ‘ to assist each other with class work. Expressions, this is the production of new originative signifiers, such as mash ups, picture devising, fan fictions. Users are able to entree these via web sites such as, many students/young people when presented with a challenge now look it up on youtube. Youtube enable users to see and upload pictures, many videos that have been uploaded have been uploaded to demo how to make something, there is a wealth of information available on youtube. Many of the pupils that I work with when they have produced movies or lifes want to upload them to the cyberspace for the universe to see. Collaborative job resolution, this allows users to work together as a squad ; this allows jobs to be solved in a formal and informal manner. This method allows immature people to finish undertakings and develop new cognition. As discussed antecedently many pupils use Wikipedia which allows them to collaboratively work out jobs, even to a certain extent Facebook allows this with the map of being able to make groups. Circulations, determining the flow of media, this is frequently done through web provenders, web logs, podcast and on Facebook ‘statuses ‘ . Many immature people broadcast the media they wish to portion by updating their positions or posting to their walls. Participatory civilization is now going the head of instruction and the schoolroom, the accomplishments that are acquired through the legion signifiers of participatory civilization will help immature people in the development of accomplishments and the comprehension of the encompassing universe.The engagement spreadWith this in head, I sometime have a cognition spread, to increase my cognition and assist other pupils I get the pupils that know the package to sit and demo me how they did something, this is n't merely reenforcing their cognition but it is besides leting me to larn on the occupation. As mentioned antecedently as a CLC we work with everyone from the most basic of users to the most advanced. We try and encourage household acquisition, this is to assist cut down the engagement spread, most families have a computing machine that is normally monopolised by the adolescents, the parents frequently do n't acquire a expression in, which frequently means they do n't cognize what their kids are making or even how they are making this. We try and bridge this spread we invite KS3 and 4 pupils to the CLC for 10 categories in which we teach parents how to supervise and protect their kids when they are utilizing a computing machine, we besides teach the pupils how to utilize different package to finish different undertakings, we so spend six hebdomads working with them together to make a combined piece of work, frequently this takes the signifier of a picture, which they have filmed, edited and rendered to harrow. We show the parents how they can assist their kids how they can a cquire involved and we besides show them that they can make it. However, when these parents/carers arrive they are frequently daunted by the fact that their kid knows more than they do. We as a CLC are seeking to cut down the engagement spread farther by going involved with the Governments Home Access strategy, we are besides flying a strategy to supply wireless internet entree to all secondary age pupils, and we are flying it with one school and the environing country. Through surveies that have been carried out, it indicates that if a pupil has entree to a computing machine in their first twelvemonth of secondary school they are more likely to go through English and maths at GCSE.DecisionThe alterations in the civilization of instruction over the past few old ages have affected the methods of instruction. Media instruction and all of what comes with it is still developing and happening its topographic point within the course of study, it is get downing to stand out and is going something that instructor have to believe about. Media instruction is being used in all capable countries but how and why it is being used demands to be defined merely utilizing it for the interest of utilizing it, is n't a good usage of clip and resources. Students all need to be made cognizant of why they are doing the determinations that they are and how they impact their ain acquisition. There are nevertheless from my ain observations learning staffs that refuse to believe that media instruction is of import, they do non implant their lessons to utilize media of any description, even though the installations are on offer. There is off class the teaching staff that see media instruction as the ability to bring forth a ill formed PowerPoint presentation about the consequence of planetary heating. These members of staff demand to be educated in what is media literacy and media instruction and shown how to utilize it efficaciously within their lessons. We must go on to believe about whether media instruction can be used as a model for all media. Media instruction should let pupils and learning staff to develop accomplishments and apprehension of how they are take parting. Media instruction is n't a speedy hole to a deadening lesson program nor should it be used a method merely to jazz up a category. Students should go engaged in what they are making because they understand why they are making it, and how they are traveling to make it.