Saturday, February 22, 2020

Photosynthesis,Chromosomes,DNA Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Photosynthesis,Chromosomes,DNA Structure - Essay Example Photosynthesis, Chromosomes, and DNA Structure: Photosynthesis is a process that primarily occurs in plants. As Postman (2010, p.200) describes, in this process, green plants make use of light energy and forms organic compounds. The solar energy is stored in the chrolophyll present in the chloroplasts of plants. Atmospheric carbon dioxide and water are combined with the stored energy from light resulting in formation of glucose. In the process, oxygen is released into the air. Although the process primarily occurs in plants, however there are certain other organisms and bacteria also that perform this function. Cummings in his studies discussed about the understanding of the structures of DNA and chromosomes, and the organization of DNA in chromosomes. Chromosomes were discovered as the components of a cell that carried genes. Studies were conducted to identify the nature of the genes that are carried by the chromosomes as well as the nucleus of the cell. Several studies over the yea rs identified and recognized that as far as bacteria are concerned, DNA proves to be the genetic material. The chemistry of DNA reflects that nucleotides are the subunits that form the nucleic acids, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). A base, a sugar and a group of phosphate comprise the structure of each nucleotide. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine are four base components of DNA. The sugar that is contained in the DNA is known as deoxyribose. Polynucleotides may be formed through linkages of nucleotides resulting in formation of chains. There are two such polynucleotide chains in DNA (Cummings, 2010, p.193). The two polynucleotide chains in DNA are placed in opposite direction. These chains are held with the help of hydrogen bonds located between corresponding bases in the converse strands. A right handed helix is formed as the two strands wind around each other. DNA goes through the process of replication where the strands of DNA are separated through proteins. The base sequence in the template strand is read by DNA polymerase while nucleotides are inserted in the complementary strands. As far as the organization of DNA in chromosomes is concerned, studies reveal that DNA is coiled around groups of histones resulting in formation of nucleosomes. Fibers are often formed as the nucleosomes gets supercoiled widening at right angles to the chromosomal axes. It has been obtained that the chromosomal structures are dynamic in nature such that it allows the uncoiling and recoiling in the different stages of cell cycle (Cummings, 2010, p.193). DNA is the hereditary material mostly in human beings and in other organisms. DNA has the ability to replicate and it can lead to formations of RNAs or proteins (Cells and DNA, 2012). Photosynthesis on the other hand is primarily a phenomenon associated with green plants. It is through the process of photosynthesis that green plants are capable of growing their roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fru its. It is due to this particular phenomenon that plants are considered as the producers and hence they are the basic food materials for every food chain and for every other living organism. While the functions of DNA and chromosomes are internal to a human body or body of an organism, the process of photosynthesis is also beneficial towards nature, ecology and the environment. It is because through

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Assignment

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles - Assignment Example A company can be able to make informed financial decisions basing on the financial statement preparation. Such statements make work easier for governments’ tax authorities as the profit, which they ought to tax, is clearly indicated. This reduces the time they can spend trying to calculate the taxable profits of each business entity operating in the country. Most countries, however, have ditched the GAAP system to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting system. The International Accounting Standards Board established the IFRS systems and hence it has the mandate of its maintenance. One of the countries that quickly adopted the IFRS accounting system in Australia and the first financial statement prepared to observe the IFRS system was on June 30, 2006. Another notable nation that does not use the GAAP system is Russia whose process of shifting has been long. The country started the process of shifting to using IFRS in 1998 and only became successful in early 2012. The IFRS has numerous advantages, which are the main reasons why these countries decided to use them. Companies in these countries can be easily compared amongst themselves as they apply the same standards in preparing their financial statements. This is particularly used when comparing companies in different countries who use the same standards. Investors are most concerned about the comparing results as they try to ponder the most profitable country to go and start a business in. since most countries use the IFRS system, the comparability is easy and done on a wide scale attracting many investors (H olt, et al 54). The flexibility of the IFRS system compared to that of the GAAP might have been another reason why these countries decided to ditch the latter. Countries prefer a system whose approach is principle-based rather than rules-based philosophy applied in GAAD.Â